the wayfinders studio

What is the Wayfinders Studio?

The Wayfinders Studio started as a place to explore questions of how literacy practitioners learn from each other and evolved into a makerspace -- a creative, innovative space where you can use digital technology to make something wonderful and learn new techniques.

The Wayfinders Studio supports connected ways of knowing:

See more here: About the Wayfinders Studio 

Who is the Wayfinders Studio for?

Are you a literacy practitioner thinking about how you can respond to the ways that digital technologies are changing how we learn, work and engage in daily life?

Are you wondering about what colleagues in other programs are doing?

If you answered yes to these questions, the Wayfinders Studio is for you.

Who are the Wayfinders?

The Wayfinders are people just like you – and perhaps you – who are exploring, experimenting, piloting and reflecting on how digital technology can enhance learning in creative ways.

Wayfinders 2021: Case Studies

In 2021, AlphaPlus interviewed eight facilitators about how they applied their knowledge of content, pedagogy and technology to the pivot to remote learning.

See more here: The Pivot to Remote Learning

Wayfinders 2022 and 2023: MakerSpaces

In the summer of 2022 we piloted a different model for developing Wayfinder Studio stories and case studies

In 2022, we worked with practitioners in a digital-storytelling makerspace. 

See more here: 2022: Digital StoryTelling

In 2023, we offered a activity-creation makerspace where practitioners were invited to turn Open Education Resources into interactive lessons that engage different learners differently, enhance learner choice and expand opportunities for self-directed learning.

See more here: 2023: H5P and OER

Explore the Studio to see what others are doing and thinking about, make connections with colleagues and submit your own wayfinding adventures.

Thanks to Digital Promise and the Tinkering Studio for the inspiration. We have attended CrowdED Learning EdTech Maker Spaces and learned a lot from them as well.